Artificial Intelligence

AI Solutions with People in the Picture

You can either lead artificial intelligence to be the change you want to see or follow where others take the technology. The choice is yours, but Dexian is here to help you act with intention and unlock the power of this game-changing tool.

Since we’re in the business for good, our approach is always ethics first. Whether we are helping organizations implement artificial intelligence solutions, leaders find talent, or consultants find jobs, we think of the consequences before we act. That way, our AI services stay true to who we are and help us continue to do the right thing.  



Follow Your AI Journey 

With our Black Sky Thinking, we’re ready to move staffing, IT, and workforce solutions beyond what exists today to create a more ethical and efficient tomorrow.

See how our AI philosophy and strategic approach can help:

Your Business

Your Workforce

Your Career


Your Business

Ready to overcome your hurdles to greater performance, capabilities, and growth? Our AI solutions can help you responsibly and effectively harness this technology.  

Sharing Risk with Your Business 

You shouldn’t have to take a leap of faith with AI by yourself. We are actively exploring this technology to elevate your capabilities. This not only makes our solutions cost-effective solutions but enhances the value you provide. 

Offering AI Tools and Accelerators 

Want to accelerate workflows and save time? Many of Dexian’s tools and accelerators are using the power of artificial intelligence to streamline your IT operations. They’re an easy-to-use way to embrace AI.

Providing Teams, Not Just Solutions 

There is power and efficiency in greater numbers, and that goes for our AI implementations as well. By leveraging our global network of top IT talent, we can provide you with AI tools and solutions faster, more efficiently, and with fewer risks. 


Your Workforce

Can AI engines help you find talent faster? They can when your talent searches combine Dexian’s staffing expertise enhanced by HireLogic’s AI-driven platform. Here’s how our collaboration can elevate your next hire.

Putting People First 

We value personal touch. By keeping human recruiters in the process, we build rock-solid relationships with exceptional people. AI just speeds up the perfect connections.

Securing Sensitive Data 

We want to keep your sensitive information safe. Our customized AI tool was designed to help us stay compliant with regulations so we can protect our consultants, employees, and clients. 

Boosting Your Experience 

You need talent at the speed and scale of your business. By thoughtfully integrating AI into our staffing model, we are able to streamline workflows, accelerate placements, and lower turnover. 


Your Career

Will artificial intelligence impact your career? Yes, but it doesn’t need to be for the worse with Dexian’s help.

Streamlining Your Search 

When you’re looking for new opportunities, we know waiting is one of the worst parts. By using artificial intelligence, we can help accelerate you through the process to find your next great job. 

Keeping the Human Touch 

Do you still want to interact with a real person in your job search? We’re keeping our exceptional recruiters. You’ll work with personable people at the front end, and they’ll use AI to accelerate your search behind the scenes.

Improving Your Skills 

We want AI to be accessible for everyone. That’s why our recruiters can show you how to use generative AI and other tools to spruce up your resume, message business leaders, and prepare for interviews. 


AI, Automation and In-Demand Skills for a Post-Pandemic World

​After the initial shock felt around the globe, the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic caused companies of all shapes …

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Is AI Coming for Your Job?

You may have read that generative artificial intelligence – as in ChatGPT — has “already” directly resulted in job …

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Can You Balance Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Hiring Process and Keep the Human Touch?

by Kip Havel, Dexian Chief Marketing Officer Effective hiring has hinged on the ability of HR and recruiting professionals’ …

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How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethics Make Businesses (And the World) Better

By Kip Havel, Chief Marketing Officer  “AI will probably most likely lead to the end of the world, but …

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3 Ways to Use AI Job Search Assistance to Find Your Next Job

Will artificial intelligence replace your job? 42% of people believe that’s on the horizon. Though this technology has disruptive …

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Can Biases in AI Systems Negatively Impact Disadvantaged Communities?

You’ve heard the expression a rising tide lifts all boats, but is that overly optimistic? It comes as no …

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Are Federal Agencies Ready for an AI Cyber Attack Showdown?

Could hackers use AI to blow up a power plant? According to Stuart Madnick, professor and co-founder Cybersecurity at …

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The Human Touch: Why It Still Matters in the Age of AI Recruiting

What can’t artificial intelligence do?  This question—once asked in awe of the grand potential of AI—now prompts a nuanced …

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The AI Effect: Reshaping the Future of Remote Work

Artificial intelligence has fundamentally changed the way people work. Routine tasks have been automated, job descriptions have grown more …

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Our Thinking on AI

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