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The latest Black Sky Thinking from Dexian.


Getting Really Agile at Digital Transformation (Instead of Faking It)

​Financial institutions can’t make agility solely something for the tech department. Transitioning to a new culture demands adjustment from leaders’ attitudes and policies to employees’ embracing a new way of ... Read more

oT, IoMT & Telehealth: Transforming Life Sciences

​While historically there have been various reasons for rapid technological progress in the life sciences sector, the latest one is the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic and the increased need for remote ... Read more

AI, Automation and In-Demand Skills for a Post-Pandemic World

​After the initial shock felt around the globe, the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic caused companies of all shapes and sizes to re-evaluate how they did business and decide whether ... Read more

4 Ways a Change in the C-Suite Can Save a Distressed Portfolio Company

​​2021 looks to be different than 2020 in terms of hiring needs, company structuring, and management of resources and staff. Despite potentially major shifts, most private equity firms and venture ... Read more

Cyber Warfare Poses Looming Threat to U.S. Organizations

​On the heels of rising cyberattacks as cybercriminals exploit the global pandemic to gain access to valuable data and unauthorized access to systems, U.S. businesses are now confronted with looming ... Read more

“Management Isn’t For Everyone, Here’s How to Tell If It’s For You”

​Many people aspire to hold a leadership position within their organization. However, they harbor the aspiration out of a sense of natural career progression – not because it’s something they ... Read more

Traditional Leadership vs. Servant Leadership

​​The term “servant leadership” was coined by Robert K. Greenleaf in The Servant as Leader, an essay first published in 1970. Greenleaf describes the servant leader as servant first, leader ... Read more

5 Ways to Reimagine Our Communication in a Changed Workplace

What has more than a year of remote work, job uncertainty, and canceled networking events done to our work relationships — and where do we go from here?The future of ... Read more
Case Study

Dexian Empowers In-House IT Team through Training Solution

The client wanted to grow its in-house Salesforce capability. The goal was to reduce dependence on third-party vendors, and to improve the economics of ongoing systems maintenance. The client also ... Read more
Case Study

Dexian Delivers Reskilling Program that Creates New Path for Employees

The client faced a talent shortage for IT resources. They were also looking for an approach to expand opportunities for the existing workforce and to bolster their retention of high-performing ... Read more
Case Study

Dexian Successfully Modifies Application Workflow

Legacy database application had cumbersome, difficult to understand, and inefficient input processes and query methods Read more
Case Study

Dexian Delivers Successful Java Developer Training

The client shared a hiring goal of more than 100 entry-level developers and a commitment to prioritizing diverse talent. Furthermore, the client was seeking a partner who could provide a ... Read more
Case Study

Dexian Successfully Upgrades Outdated SharePoint Environment

The client wanted to upgrade its existing SharePoint 2007 environment, including its Chameleon Application, to SharePoint 2013 to stay in compliance with industry regulations and security updates Read more
Case Study

Dexian Updates Angular JS Software with Experts

The client tasked Dexian with finding experience AngularJS developers to rewrite their entire Human Resource Software from version 1.5 to 2.0 AngularJS. Read more
Case Study

Dexian Successfully Supports PMO Center of Excellence Build-Out

The client was looking to build out their PMO Center of Excellence within a 2-year timeframe while phasing out all manual processes in an effort to scale with the company’s ... Read more
Case Study

Dexian Supports Airline Network Optimization

The client sought a bulk staffing solution from one provider to support a network application optimization initiative requiring machine, system, and application review and enhancement during a move to one, ... Read more
Case Study

Dexian Supports Data Migration for Biopharma

The client needed a collaborative partner willing to leverage a strong team within its organization. Read more
Case Study

Dexian Supports Legacy-to-SAP Conversion Successfully

The SAP implementation was behind schedule due to difficulties finding resources. The client sought consultants open to transitioning to full-time. Read more
Case Study

Dexian Supports Client’s Call Center Expansion

With many global customer service locations feeling the impact of COVID-19, the client needed additional service reps to work remotely in the US. Read more
Case Study

Dexian Successfully Sources Talent and Delivers Retention Strategy

In the past, the client struggled with retention issues when bringing on large teams. They needed qualified processing reps with excellent customer service skills that would stay on the job. Read more