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The New Approach to Networking (That Gets Great Results)

​Most people say networking with invisible air quotes (and sometimes an eye roll):“Networking.”As in, that activity we know we’re supposed to do, but always feels silly. As in, that thing ... Read more

3 Tips for Acing the (Exit) Interview

​Exit interviews, when you think about it, are the opposite of your original interview. During your final interview, you’re explaining why you’re leaving, and during your initial interview, you’re explaining ... Read more

Asking for a Raise: Here’s How to Do It Successfully

​Getting a raise is a great feeling! Asking for a raise? Um, not so much. Requesting a salary bump can be nerve-wracking and is often guided by unwritten rules. Even ... Read more

Why Working Your Way Out of a Job Is a Good Thing (and How to Do It)

​Working your way out of a job might sound like a bad thing: after all, at the end, you don’t have a job. But that’s far from the case. Anyone ... Read more

5 Essential Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

​When applying for a job, it’s easy to feel like you hold none of the cards. The company has an open position and tons of interested candidates; you’re trying to ... Read more

4 Golden Rules for Following Up After Interview

​Time seems to move like molasses when you’re in line. It gets even slower when you’re working out. And it’s most sluggish of all when you’re waiting for a hiring ... Read more

4 Things You Need to Know Before Your First Day On the Job

​From school to your career, first days are always exciting, scary, exhausting, and memorable. The right preparation will make your first day at a new job a major success. Every ... Read more

How to Boost Your Resume to Get the Job You Want

​Most people assume there’s only one way to get a job that’s higher than their current position—by applying for one that’s less senior and working their way up. But depending ... Read more

Interview Questions That Sound Like Tricks—But Are Not

​Navigating an interview can feel like walking through a house full of booby traps. Everywhere you look, there’s danger to avoid. One single mistake, and you’re done for. But here’s ... Read more

4 Simple Tips to Relieve Interview Stress

​Interviewing is one of the most anxiety-producing experiences out there. Not only are you in an unfamiliar environment, the stakes are high—but you must remain calm, confident, and eloquent the ... Read more

Your Checklist Before Leaving a Job: Part 2

​You’ve got a seemingly endless number of tasks to complete before you leave your job and very little time to do them. For that reason, it’s tempting to skip the ... Read more

Your Checklist Before Leaving a Job: Part 1

​Whether you’re a consultant wrapping up your current assignment or a full-time employee leaving your role, there are several steps you should take before your last day. Not only will ... Read more

4 Interview Questions to Determine a Company’s Culture

​It’s always important to get a sense of an organization’s culture during the interview. Culture fit can mean the difference between looking forward to Monday morning and dreading it. That ... Read more

Quitting Responsibly: 4 Signs It’s Time

​Quitting is usually seen as a sign of failure. If you start a project and give up halfway through, the fault lies with you—not the project or the obstacles surrounding ... Read more

How to Create a World-Class LinkedIn Profile in 10 Minutes Per Day

​There’s never a perfect time to perfect your LinkedIn profile. When you’re in the middle of a challenging consulting job, your online presence is probably the last thing you want ... Read more

4 Big Job Search Mistakes That’ll Hold You Back

​Getting a job can feel like a monumental task—and for consultants, it’s a monumental task that must be faced on a regular basis. Unfortunately, mistakes are all too common. Let’s ... Read more

The No-Fail Formula for Delivering Memorable Interview Answers

​Interviewers tend to hear the same types of lines over and over again, like: “I’m passionate about my work.” “I think outside the box.” “My go-getter personality helps me set ... Read more

What You Should Realistically Expect From Your First Post-Grad Job

​Maybe you have a couple of internships under your belt, or you worked a variety of short-term service jobs throughout high school and college. In any case, you might be ... Read more

How To List Contract & Consulting Work On Your resume

​Writing a resume and arranging your resume summary, skill sets, relevant work experience, and education section is tricky— building and organizing a resume when you’re a consultant is even trickier.Why? ... Read more

7 Questions to Ask Your New Boss

​Beginning a new job is always a little overwhelming. Not only are you adjusting to a whole new project, office, and set of coworkers, you’re also trying to figure out ... Read more