Talent Development Solutions & Services

Building tomorrow’s workforce

When it comes to talent, our company is not just sourcing the best people today – we’re preparing them for tomorrow.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Workforce with Dexian. Learn More About Why Dexian.

At Dexian, our company helps advance the careers of our consultants and drive higher retention through impactful talent development and employee experience programs.

We have designed our talent development to ensure that technology and professional talent are prepared to fulfill demand and that the processes are in place to enable successful digital transformation across all of our clients.

  • Talent future-proofing through workforce upskilling, specialized learning and development training programs and competence certification programs.
  • Employee value propositions and recruiting messaging to attract only the best talent.
  • A bespoke, agent-like relationship with our consultants, helping them to execute a personal career plan and work with them to upskill and train to achieve career trajectories.

As the company that is in the business for good, Dexian believes the most critical way for us to deliver on this promise is through the advanced workforce solutions our agency is providing today and will continue to innovate as we move forward into the future.


“Management Isn’t For Everyone, Here’s How to Tell If It’s For You”

​Many people aspire to hold a leadership position within their organization. However, they harbor the aspiration out of a …

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Traditional Leadership vs. Servant Leadership

​​The term “servant leadership” was coined by Robert K. Greenleaf in The Servant as Leader, an essay first published …

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5 Ways to Reimagine Our Communication in a Changed Workplace

What has more than a year of remote work, job uncertainty, and canceled networking events done to our work …

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Cyber Warfare Poses Looming Threat to U.S. Organizations

​On the heels of rising cyberattacks as cybercriminals exploit the global pandemic to gain access to valuable data and …

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How Today’s Tech Professionals Can Work in Harmony with AI

The COVID-19 pandemic forced companies of all shapes and sizes to reconsider how they were doing business. Overnight, customer …

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Getting Really Agile at Digital Transformation (Instead of Faking It)

​Financial institutions can’t make agility solely something for the tech department. Transitioning to a new culture demands adjustment from …

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oT, IoMT & Telehealth: Transforming Life Sciences

​While historically there have been various reasons for rapid technological progress in the life sciences sector, the latest one …

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AI, Automation and In-Demand Skills for a Post-Pandemic World

​After the initial shock felt around the globe, the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic caused companies of all shapes …

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4 Ways a Change in the C-Suite Can Save a Distressed Portfolio Company

​​2021 looks to be different than 2020 in terms of hiring needs, company structuring, and management of resources and …

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