Data Analytics Consulting

Uncover Hidden Insights Faster with Dexian IT Solutions.

With the stockpile of data at your disposal, finding cost-saving, high-value insights aren’t always easy or intuitive. Yet when you have a framework for data-driven analytics, your data points come together like constellations which can help you accelerate business milestones, optimize operations, and tap new sources of revenue.

Data-Driven Decisions. Powerful Results. Discover Why Dexian.


Dexian streamlines data analytics services and solutions through customized cloud-based tools, delivering valuable information regardless of your platform (cloud, on-premise, or hybrid).


Turn Big Data into Smart Decisions:

Break down data silos: 
Consolidate information from various sources for a unified view.

Extract valuable insights: 
Advanced analytics uncover hidden trends and patterns.

Gain a competitive edge:
Make data-driven decisions and identify opportunities.

Ensure data quality:
Maintain clean and reliable data throughout its lifecycle.


Our Data Analytics Consultancy Services and Solutions Include:

  • Data Architecture & Modeling:

    Design a robust foundation for your data ecosystem.

  • ETL Development:

    Efficiently extract, transform, and load your data.

  • Data Lake & Pipelines:

    Build a central repository and automate data movement.

  • Data Migration:

    Seamlessly move your data between platforms (cloud, on-premise).

  • Reporting & Visualization:

    Create clear and actionable insights.

  • Data Governance & Quality:

    Maintain data integrity and accuracy.

  • Advanced Analytics (AI/ML):

    Unlock powerful insights with cutting-edge techniques.

  • Monitoring & Support:

    Proactive monitoring and ongoing assistance.

  • Database Administration:

    Expert management of your data infrastructure.



Key Partnerships:

Why choose Dexian IT Solutions?


  • Flexible Deployment:

     Access skilled resources on-demand (Team as a Service model). 

  • Streamlined Reporting:

     Automated deployment of BI reports and dashboards (DevOps for Power BI). 

  • Efficient Cloud Migration:

     Proprietary tools (Reverse S2S Flake) for seamless cloud data transfer. 

  • Faster Data Migration:

     Automated metadata extraction for smoother transitions (Tableau & Power BI). 

  • Trusted Partnerships:

     Microsoft Azure Solution Partner (Data & AI) & Snowflake Select Partner. 


Explore our Data Analytics Services Today.