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How to Nail Your Sales Interview

Essential Questions and Winning Answers Entering the world of sales is exciting, but navigating the interview process can be daunting. Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to the field, ... Read more

What You Should Realistically Expect From Your First Post-Grad Job

​Maybe you have a couple of internships under your belt, or you worked a variety of short-term service jobs throughout high school and college. In any case, you might be ... Read more

The 4 Characteristics of High-Quality Staffing Firms

​At some large companies, 30% of the procurement budget goes to temporary workers. Others say they employ more consultants than W-2 employees. There’s no doubt about it: the upside of ... Read more

The Most Prevalent (and Untrue) Myths About Salespeople: Part 2

​In part one of this article, we debunked two major myths about sales. But there are more misconceptions to uncover, so let’s get started. Sales Isn’t Ruthless Some outsiders think ... Read more

The Most Prevalent (and Untrue) Myths About Salespeople: Part 1

​Eight days. According to a report from Harvard Business School, that’s the difference in time it takes to fill a sales position versus the average for all jobs. That might ... Read more

How To Respond To “How Are You?”

4 Better Ways to Answer “How Are You?” than “I’m Good”​How many times a day do people ask, “How are you?” Probably at least ten.And how many times a day ... Read more

How To List Contract & Consulting Work On Your resume

​Writing a resume and arranging your resume summary, skill sets, relevant work experience, and education section is tricky— building and organizing a resume when you’re a consultant is even trickier.Why? ... Read more

7 Questions to Ask Your New Boss

​Beginning a new job is always a little overwhelming. Not only are you adjusting to a whole new project, office, and set of coworkers, you’re also trying to figure out ... Read more

How to Write an Excellent Cover Letter When You Hate to Write

​Do you strongly dislike writing? That’s pretty normal. But even if you’re applying for a technical job with very little writing required, you probably won’t get the job without a ... Read more

Your Checklist Before Leaving a Job: Part 2

​You’ve got a seemingly endless number of tasks to complete before you leave your job and very little time to do them. For that reason, it’s tempting to skip the ... Read more

5 Steps to Polish Your Social Media Presence (and Get That Job)

​“Smile!” your friend says, as she snaps a picture of you, beer in hand. Before you know it, it’s posted on Facebook, you’re tagged in it, and it’s received dozens ... Read more

How to Keep Your Social Media Profiles Professional

​The average person has seven social media accounts.That may sound like a lot, until you start counting your own. Instagram. Twitter. Facebook. Reddit. YouTube. LinkedIn. Pinterest. Suddenly, seven may start ... Read more

How to Have a Successful Technical Interview

​You just got the email: your first interview went well, and now the company wants you to come in for a technical one!The happiness is quickly replaced by anxiety. What ... Read more

How to Formulate Good Questions for the Interviewer

​Picture this: it’s your fifth interview of the day. You’ve already met with your potential boss,herboss, two coworkers, and now you’re talking to the head of the entire department. You’ve ... Read more

Top Cybersecurity Certifications & Why You Need Them

​It seems that not a day goes by without another major cybersecurity breach making headlines. A whopping 80 percent of companies expect a critical breach in 2019, according to Trend ... Read more

How to Be a Radically Candid Boss

​Lots of professionals have stories about their coworker, mentor and, most commonly, boss being really honest with them—and that honesty helping them evolve. Kim Scott, former leadership coach to top ... Read more

The New Approach to Networking (That Gets Great Results)

​Most people say networking with invisible air quotes (and sometimes an eye roll):“Networking.”As in, that activity we know we’re supposed to do, but always feels silly. As in, that thing ... Read more

3 Tips for Acing the (Exit) Interview

​Exit interviews, when you think about it, are the opposite of your original interview. During your final interview, you’re explaining why you’re leaving, and during your initial interview, you’re explaining ... Read more

Asking for a Raise: Here’s How to Do It Successfully

​Getting a raise is a great feeling! Asking for a raise? Um, not so much. Requesting a salary bump can be nerve-wracking and is often guided by unwritten rules. Even ... Read more

5 Essential Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

​When applying for a job, it’s easy to feel like you hold none of the cards. The company has an open position and tons of interested candidates; you’re trying to ... Read more